Bad Blog for Bad People

Jack’s epic re-read of Poison Elves continues with Desert of the Third Sin.

Jack begins an epic re-read of the Poison Elves comics with the first two collections: Requiem for an Elf and Traumatic Dogs.

The Justice of Kings
The Justice of Kings is a dark fantasy novel about jurists who uncover a plot that could upend the law as a whole.

Summer Sons
Dark academia, a Southern Gothic ghost story, and…a lot of drag racing…come together in the queer horror of Lee Mandelo’s Summer Sons.

The Feast of the Innocents
The Feast of the Innocents heralds the return of an earlier era in the history of the Gothic novel.

Strange Conflict
Dennis Wheatley mixes voodoo and Nazis on the astral plane in a 1941 occult pulp. What could possibly go wrong?

The Handyman Method
Jack Guignol reads Nick Cutter’s and Andrew F. Sullivan’s The Handyman Method, a horror novel about the crisis of masculinity told through the lens of DIY in a haunted house.

Jack has a new role-playing game available for purchase! If you like the kind of wild trash we cover on the podcast, you’ll probably dig this too.

Johannes Cabal
Jack Guignol reads Jonathan L. Howard’s Johannes Cabal books, a humorous and heart-breaking series about a necromancer and his misadventures.

Les Femmes Grotesques
Jack Guignol reads Les Femmes Grotesque, Victoria Dalpe’s promising debut collection of horror fiction.

Venus in the Blind Spot
Tenebrous Kate reads Junji Ito’s “Venus in the Blind Spot,” an anthology of horror comics.

The Suicide Motor Club
Jack Guignol reads Christopher Buehlman’s The Suicide Motor Club (it’s different from Between Two Fires).